Smiling, such a simple and powerful gesture. It’s the cheapest beauty procedure that guarantees to instantly make you look prettier. Surprisingly even when teeth are rotten or missing, it still works. Smiling makes us attractive, helps us relieve stress, makes us and others around feel good, it is contagious. And finally, it makes us look younger and successful. The truth is, every aspect of our life is impacted by our smiles. Whether giving a job interview, talking to friends/colleagues, snapping a picture, or enjoying a night out with your partner, your smile makes an impact on all these interactions. The insecurity/confidence that goes with it, follows you as well, making you care of your smile every time you open your mouth. And fortunately for us, we are not doomed to our imperfect teeth forever. There is a variety of treatments and procedures that can brighten, straighten, and drastically improve the appearance of your smile. Let’s see, how can you make your smile, outstanding and attract more happy moments for you and those around you.

  1. Routine care. You are supposed to thoroughly wash your teeth at least twice a day and be careful with your diet in order to have and maintain healthy teeth. But sometimes simply genetics, or not having the time to take proper care affects the way our teeth look today. Regular dentist visits, fillings, and repairs should be on your schedule, to prevent further deterioration of your teeth. But let’s say they are healthy, and they just don’t look good.
  2. Teeth whitening. There are plenty of options out there. Form professional whitening to the dentist, to teeth-whitening home kits. But be aware of something. Home kits come in a variety of prices and qualities, and although you would like to opt for the most affordable option, you should be very careful when picking a product. Check the brand, reviews, and rating. Also, many dentists offer home kits too, and in fact, they are the safest way to go. You don’t want to end up with decayed teeth.
  3. Veneers. Veneers are very strong and thin pieces of porcelain that are bonded to the teeth. They can be applied to one or more teeth to repair chipped, decayed, or stained teeth and may help in closing gaps between teeth. Their color can be totally matched to your natural teeth and no one will notice any difference. It can totally transform your smile like in this example.
  4. Dental Crown Lengthening. Do you have this type of gummy smile? Your teeth look so small but there are much more teeth under that gum. Fortunately, today’s techniques make it totally possible to correct this aesthetic problem, many have never thought it is possible. But here you go. It may be just what you need, to unravel your smile.
  5. Lip enhancement. A smile is not just about teeth, it also about lips. There is a variety of procedures you can get that can make your lip look better contoured, fuller, more symmetric, and beautiful. If you are looking for the perfect smile, you might consider surgical intervention. Just remember to educate yourself before you make any decision. How reputable is the center you are going to, what procedure is being used, how long after doing the effect wears off, is there any side effect you should be aware of, and so on.
  6. Dimples. A dimple is a little indentation in the flesh on a part of the human body, but typically in the cheeks. It can be totally natural, but it can also be made with the help of make-up or a surgeon. Many people perceive people with cheek dimples as physically attractive and we must say, they ad a special touch to the smile. If you have them naturally, you are lucky, since only 20% of people do. But if you don’t have them, and would love to make your smile even prettier, then you could fake them through make-up or ask for a cosmetic procedure. If that is so important to you, maybe it is worth the extra mile.

Today money and technology can fine your wrinkles, whiten, straighten your teeth, enhance your lips and give you dimples. But always remember, there is beauty even in an old woman’s toothless smile 🙂