Some people have a negative attitude toward the concept of power because of their upbringing or personal experiences. On the other hand, power does not indicate the ability to manipulate or coerce others; rather, power comes from having useful information and abilities along with the ability to develop relationships. In every setting, the adage that you have to gain respect by doing good work holds true. Investigate the ways in which power, influence, and presence come together to form a respectful individual.

  1. Establish an accurate definition of power

It’s possible that some people believe power to be the ability to coerce others into doing things. Because it conveys the sense that the person with authority ignores the will, desires, or well-being of people who have less power, this strategy immediately produces resistance.

Due to this reason, it is essential to educate both managers and employees about the sources of power in order to make them aware of the control and influence that is available to them regardless of their position within the firm. Positional authority is equivalent to actual power. A person’s title could provide them the authority to make decisions on pay raises, disciplinary actions, and request approvals. Yet, it is not the only kind of power in the world.

The combination of your knowledge, talents, and resourcefulness is what gives you informal influence rather than a title alone. You may develop your personal authority and establish yourself as a genuine leader without relying just on the official power that you have by doing the following:

  • reducing the amount of conflict that exists and cultivating an atmosphere that encourages collaboration. You avoid criticism, censure or complain. Criticism is frequently pointless and merely causes people to take a defensive stance. Avoiding an argument altogether is the only way to ensure you come out on top. It is possible that you will occasionally prevail, but any triumph you win will be meaningless because you will never earn the favor of your adversary. Instead, focus on trying to understand why individuals behave the way they do;
  • having a sense of curiosity and being willing to continue learning throughout your life. You take in what other people have to say. Show understanding and compassion for the thoughts and goals of the other person. It does not mean that they are in the wrong while you are in the right simply because their beliefs may not be consistent with yours. Make an effort to be open to other people so that you can pick up some useful information. Individuals tend to discuss topics that are significant to them, and information is the key to gaining power;
  • fostering the development of relationships. You shouldn’t rely on punishments or rewards to get people motivated; rather, you should encourage and support them. Extend appreciation that is both honest and heartfelt. You can start to get a sense of the genuine power of appreciation if you have the ability to ignite people’s enthusiasm and give them a feeling of good will;
  • Putting your influence to good use. Be on their side so that they may count on your support while they strive to achieve their full potential. Create a burning desire for something in the other person. Henry Ford once said that the key to success is having the ability to put yourself in the shoes of another person and examine a situation from their perspective in addition to considering it from your own.
  1. Establish Your Authority

Even the most astute and perceptive leaders are rendered ineffective if their followers refuse to pay attention to what they have to say. Just being in close proximity to employees is one of the simplest methods for managers to exert influence over their decisions and behavior. Instead of writing an email, you should go down the hall a few steps and conduct dialogues with people face to face. Instead of holding back your feedback until the meeting or the conclusion of the evaluation, you should hold regular face-to-face interactions.

When the people you are leading believe that you understand where they are coming from, they are more likely to listen to what you have to say. You can show your employees how hard work should be done by demonstrating that you are willing to complete the duties you assign to them. Instead of simply handing out roles for the upcoming project, volunteer to take on one you yourself. You should not urge others to take risks that you are not willing to take yourself. When things go wrong, you should have the people’s backs, but when things go right, you should step out of the spotlight. It is possible for you to arrive at this point by:

  • asking inquiries rather than issuing direct directives. Nobody enjoys being told what to do, so it’s best to allow individuals the opportunity to figure things out on their own. This also gives the other person a good reputation to try to live up to. If you want to help someone develop a certain skill, you should act as though that skill is one of their strongest points already;
  • encouraging the other individual to take your advice. If you want to help someone develop a certain skill, pretend as though that skill is already one of their many strengths. Be honest. Demonstrate empathy for the other person and tailor the benefits of the action you advise to the goals that they have articulated.
  1. Establish Your Presence

The most influential leaders are creative thinkers. They are committed to both their company and the cause that they are working for. When they walk into a room, it’s immediately filled with their enthusiasm.

A significant portion of what we communicate is conveyed through our body language. If you are just starting to create your personal presence, you should make it a practice to stand up straight, refrain from fidgeting, and make eye contact with the people around you. Express what you know in areas in which you have extensive experience. When you’re not, be truthful with yourself and look for ways to improve your expertise.

Take note of the expressions that appear on your face. To give the impression that you are easy to approach, you should make an effort to be open and friendly.

Having a commanding presence and the ability to exert influence can transform relationships and forge groups out of individuals. Leaders that are effective establish their presence by first focusing on their feelings and attitudes, and then adjusting their behavior to each circumstance in an authentic manner. To become the respectful and influencing leader you want, you must:

  • Call people by their name. There is no sweeter sound for one’s ears, as the sound of their own name. So, pay attention and memorize names;
  • Have a real interest in the people around you. Consider them and the interests that they have. Do things for other people that involve your time, energy, selflessness, and thoughtfulness;
  • Do things for other people. Individuals who manage, teach, and sell more effectively, as well as raise happy children, are more likely to have a smile on their face.
  • Be a good listener and encourage others to talk about themselves and make the other person feel important and do this with sincerity. This is a simple enough idea, so I wonder why so few people seem to follow it. If you make the effort to do so for another person, it is difficult not to see how they like and respect you;
  • If you are mistaken, admit it as soon as possible and with conviction. It is easy for a fool to try to justify his errors, but true maturity lies in being able to acknowledge when you are wrong.

So if you are working on gaining the others’ respect and spreading your influence, start by respecting yourself – treat yourself as you would like others to treat you 😉 … and deserve that respect for it is not demanded, it is earned.
